4 Interesting Facts About Insulation and Energy Savings

4 Interesting Facts About Insulation and Energy Savings
Published on September 7, 2022

Insulation is a product many homeowners and building owners are familiar with. The average person probably doesn’t understand how insulation works, but that doesn’t stop the product from working hard. In fact, insulation has a few interesting facts that you should know.

Insulation Is Recyclable

You can recycle mineral wool and fiberglass insulation. Most insulation is recyclable, but the challenging part is finding recycling centers that accept the insulation. Some types require specialists to remove them or are trickier to recycle.

Insulation Never Gets a Break

No matter which type of insulation you install in your home, it never takes a break. Insulation is constantly working to save money on energy bills and keep your home comfortable. This energy-efficient product doesn’t reduce your house’s energy; instead, it stops energy from being wasted.

Unless damaged, insulation will last the lifetime of the insulated building. How efficient is that? Keep in mind that settling can occur with loose-fill insulation. You’ll need to add additional insulation to fill in any gap created from the settling. If the original insulation is still working and not damaged, you won’t have to replace the entire area.

Insulation Is a Carbon Dioxide Reducer

Insulation efficiently reduces the amount of carbon dioxide your home or commercial property emits. You’re emitting carbon dioxide when you’re heating or cooling a space. Insulation lowers the demand and consumption of energy through your HVAC system. The less often the system runs, the less carbon dioxide your home emits.

Insulation Is Cost-Effective

There’s no better way to save money on energy bills than with a properly insulated home or building. It prevents the outside elements from sneaking inside and keeps your space comfortable no matter what season you’re in.

An uninsulated home can lose up to 60 percent of its energy through the attic or walls. Contact a local spray insulation company to install the proper insulation.

We hope you enjoyed learning interesting facts about insulation. As you’ve learned, it’s a necessary product, and the world would look a lot different without it.

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Whether it’s spray foam insulation, seal coating, or pressure washing needs for your McHenry & Lake county home or business, Paragon Insulation & Services has you covered.
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